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Bug Velocity HP | Blue Screen of Death

Foto del escritor: LeverITLeverIT

Actualizado: 13 feb 2024

A few years ago (exactly in 2019), HP surprised us with an official support publication because some devices that had the HP Velocity solution were causing conflicts with certain antivirus software, leading to a total loss of data in some cases. Consequently, the company requested its users to uninstall the application to prevent further damage. However, now imagine the same scenario on 3000 machines at risk of encountering the blue screen of death and having to format 3000 machines due to an unforeseen error.

Preventable Bugs

It's surprising to see that even in 2022, some companies are still grappling with issues that date back to the 90s. Take the case of AT&T, which lost around $60 million when approximately 60,000 customers were left without long-distance communication. The reason? A software glitch that kept resetting calls and prevented the equipment from functioning properly.

In the market, we can find a variety of tools that we can use to keep track of what is installed on our devices, and of course, as IT professionals, you should be aware of this. However, you also know that not all of them meet the current requirements because, let's be honest, the pandemic has destabilized us, and now the budget is not available for huge investments. Nonetheless, you also know that 24/7 asset management saves work and money by detecting faults and correcting them before the dreaded blue screen of death pays a visit.

Bugs in the present day

A few days ago, one of our clients (who had not renewed licenses) called us in a terrible mess. They didn't know what the error was that caused an entire day's work to be lost... It may sound pretentious, but you and I know that staying updated is necessary to prevent such errors. But of course, we are all up to our necks in debt and we are not in a position to spend money so easily.

Dear reader, if you have pets, you'll understand that when they get sick, you rush to take care of them. Now, imagine the same scenario with a company facing million-dollar losses, and as an IT professional, it's your responsibility. You need to find a solution as quickly as possible.

In just 1 day, we detected the anomaly with HP Velocity, which was causing a conflict with the antivirus (the antivirus in production), and proceeded to uninstall the bug remotely. The damage was already done, but they immediately secured their systems with us. Of course, we're cool; we have tools that fit your budget and provide support because we understand how challenging it is to lead a digital transformation in a company.


We share the official HP publication to solve this problem: link. Want to eliminate the problem at its root? Contact us, and we'll help you become Simply Efficient!

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